Chapter Five

The syllable Om spoken is the essence of the lower and the higher knowledge.  It is Brahman, space-like.  There is neither existence nor non-existence in this world.  Brahman is ever free from duality.

Thou art that Atman of which the Shruti says, "Tat Twam Asi [That thou Art]."  Know that thou art free from maya.  Cry not, o mind, verily thou art all.

There is neither higher nor lower in thee.  Thou pervadest all equally, and there is neither inner nor outer.  Then why mournest thou, o mind?  All, all is Brahman.

Neither that which is imagined, nor the imagination exist in thee; know that cause and effect touch thee not.  Free from words and all expressions art thou, eternally the same.  o mind, cry not.

To know that there is neither higher nor lower in Atman is Samadhi; to know that Atman is ever free from time and space is Samadhi.  Cry not, o mind, all is Brahman.

As there is no jar, there is no jar space.  As there is no jiva body, no conditioning medium [The conditioning of consciousness to form the individual soul (jiva) encased in the human body is compared to the apparent enclosure of space in a jar.  As jars do not really limit space, so the conditioning medium of body and mind cannot limit Atman.], there is no jiva.  The cause and effect, which produce conditions, do not exist in Atman.  Why then dost thou cry, o my mind?

It is all one whether we live in a hut in retirement, or in a house with many kinfolk, for Atman is free from the multitude as from solitude.  Free, also, is It from knowledge, theoretical and practical, Atman being All, o my mind, cry not.